Tuesday, June 9, 2015

THE BLUEPRINT OF CHRIST'S CHURCH by Tad R Callister— #reviews #amreading

THE BLUEPRINT OF CHRIST'S CHURCH by Tad R. Callister. I have really enjoyed this book. It's broken up into small sections that are digestable. I was able to search for those things that I wanted to learn more about and read those sections. I didn't have to read through a lot of material to find what I was looking for. This book will answer questions for both friends of other faiths and those who share my beliefs. I highly recommend this to anyone whether they are searching for answers or not.

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A strong testimony requires a solid foundation. This is especially true in our day, when we have so much access to information from so many sources, both reliable and spurious. With the numerous voices competing for our attention, how can we avoid being "carried about with every wind of doctrine" (Eph. 4:14)?
In The Blueprint's of Christ's Church, Tad R. Callister provides a thoughtful, systematic explanation of foundational gospel principles, tying them to Jesus Christ and demonstrating how the "blueprint" of the original Church of Jesus Christ matches the structure of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Seasoned Church members and new converts alike will benefit from this "refresher course." The carefully reasoned, scripture-based summaries of a variety of basic principles offer a great resource for parents, missionaries, and Church leaders and teachers.
*A review copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for a nonbiased review.

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